| |▀εß8∩▀εß9∩▀"εß:∩▀.εß;∩▀;εß<∩▌ ≥-8▌6d. Check if claiming dependent under pre-1985 agreement...[ ]▀>ßA▌6e. Total number of exemptions≥.*[ ]▀LßB▌=INCOME≥=G▌ 7. Wages, salaries, tips≥.( ) ( )≥. 7.|▀0ßP▀5ßQ▀EßR▌ 8a Taxable interest income≥.!8a.|▀EßS▌ 8b Tax-exempt interest≥.8b.|≥ |▀2ßT▌ 9. Dividend income≥.) 9.|▀EßU▌10. Taxable refunds of state and local taxes≥.10.|▀EßV▌11. Alimony received≥.(11.|▀EßW▌12. Business income or loss≥.!12.|▀EßX▌13. Capital gain or loss≥.$13.|▀EßY▌14. Capital gain distribution not reported on line 13≥.14.|▀EßZ▌15. Other gains or losses≥.( )..15.|▀7ß[▀Eß\▌16a Total IRA distributions≥.16a.|≥ |Taxable.16b.|▀)ß]▀Eß^▌17a Total pensions and annuities..17a.|≥ |Taxable.17b.|▀)ß_▀Eß`▌18. Rents, royalties, partnerships≥.18.|▀Eßc▌19. Farm income or loss≥.%19.|▀Eßd▌20. Unemployment compensation≥.20.|▀Eße▌21a. Social security benefits.( )..21a.|≥ |Taxable.21b.|▀ ßg▀)ßf▀Eßh▌22. Other income: (≥ )≥.22.|▀πZ1*▀Eßm▌23. Total income≥.,23.|▀Eßn▌=ADJUSTMENTS≥=B▌24a. Your IRA deduction≥.24a.|≥ |▀6ßr▌24b. Spouse's IRA deduction≥.24b.|≥ |▀6ßs▌25. Deduction for self-employment tax≥.25.|≥ |▀6ßt▌26. Self-employed health insurance deduction..26.|≥ |▀6ßv▌27. Keogh plans and SEP payments≥.27.|≥ |▀6ßy▌28. Penalty on early withdrawals of savings...28.|≥ |▀6ßz▌29. Alimony paid≥.29.|≥ |▀6ß{▌ Recipient's SSN:≥ |≥ |▀ß|▌30. TOTAL ADJUSTMENTS...(≥ )≥.30.|▀ß}▀+ß~▀Eß▌31. ADJUSTED GROSS INCOME≥.#31.|▀EßÇ▌≥=N≡Σ2FORM 1040 (1990)≥ 8Page 2▀πNAME*▀;ß▌≥=N▌TAXES:≥ :|▌32. Amount from line 31≥.%32.|▀EßÇ▌33a. Check if: [ ] You're 65 [ ] Blind [ ] Spouse 65 [ ] Blind|▀ßü▀ ßé▀+ßâ▀:ßä▌ Add the number of boxes checked≥.33a. [ ]|▀>ßà▌33b. If someone can claim you as a dependent, check here.....[ ] |▀?ßå▌33c. If married filing separate return and spouse itemizes...[ ] |▀?ßç▌34. Standard or itemized deduction≥.34.|▀Eßï▌≥ Check if deduction is from Schedule A [ ]≥
|▀5ßè▌35. Subtract line 34 from line 32≥..|▀Eßî▌36. Multiply $2050 by total exemptions claimed on line 6e....36.|▀Eßì▌37. Taxable income. Subtract line 36 from line 35≥.37.|▀EßÄ▌38. Tax from a.[ ] Tables, b.[ ] Schedules, c.[ ] Form 8615..38.|▀ßô▀ ßö▀1ßò▀EßÆ▌ Amount, if any, from Form(s) 8814.....d. (≥
)≥ |▀0ßæ▌39. Additional taxes: [ ] Form 4970 or [ ] Form 4972≥.39.|▀ßÿ▀,ßÖ▀Eßù▌40. Add lines 38 and 39≥.%40.|▀EßÜ▌=CREDITS≥=F▌41. Credit for child care≥.( )..41.|≥ |▀*ߢ▀6ߣ▌42. Credit for elderly or disabled.....( )..42.|≥ |▀*ߥ▀6ß₧▌43. Foreign tax credit≥.43.|≥ |▀6߃▌44. General business credit≥.44.|≥ |▀6ßá▌≥ [ ] Form 3800 or [ ] Form ____≥
|≥ |▀ ßí▀ßú▀$ßó▌45. Credit for prior year minimum tax≥.45.|≥ |▀6ßñ▌46. Add lines 41 through 45≥.!46.|▀EßÑ▌47. Subtract line 46 from line 40≥..|▀Eߪ▌=OTHER TAXES≥=B▌48. Self-employment tax≥.(≥ )≥.
48.|▀'ߺ▀Eß¿▌49. Alternative minimum tax≥.!49.|▀Eß⌐▌50. Tax from recapture of investment credit≥.50.|▀E߬▌≥ [ ] Form 4255 or [ ] Form 8611≥ |▀ ß½▀ß¼▌51. Social security tax on tips≥.51.|▀Eß¡▌52. Tax on IRA qualified retirement plan≥.52.|▀Eß«▌53. Advanced earned income credit payments from W-2≥. 53.|▀Eß»▌54. Total tax. Add lines 47 through 53≥.54.|▀Eß░▌=PAYMENTS≥=E▌55. Fed tax withheld (Chk if any 1099 [ ])....55.|≥ |▀)ß▓▀6ß▒▌56. 1990 est tax or amt applied from 1989.....56.|≥ |▀6ß╕▌57. Earned income credit....(≥ ).57.|≥ |▀πEIC*▀ß║▀6ß╗▌58. Amount paid with Form 4868≥.58.|≥ |▀6ß╝▌59. Excess social security and RRTA withheld..59.|≥ |▀6ß╜▌60. Credit for federal tax on special fuels...60.|≥ |▀6ß╛▌61. Regulated investment company credit≥.61.|≥ |▀6ß┐▌62. Total payments≥.*62.|▀Eß└▌≥=N▌REFUND OR AMOUNT DUE:≥ +|▌63. Amount OVERPAID≥.)63.|▀Eß┴▌64. Amount to be REFUNDED TO YOU≥.64.|▀Eß┬▌65. Amount to be applied to 1991 taxes≥.65.|≥ |▀6ß├▌66. AMOUNT YOU OWE≥.*66.|▀Eß─▌≥ 1|≥ |≥#▀ß╞▌67. Penalty for underpayment of est. tax≥.67.|≥ |≥#▀6ß┼▌≥=N▌≥ Your occupation:▀/ß▌≥ Spouse's Occupation:▀/ß▌≥=N▌ This cannot be filed with your tax return. You must transfer these figures▌ to an official 1040 provided by the IRS or use one of the other AM-Tax▌ printing options (dot-matrix 1040, overlays, pre-printed forms, laser 1040)▌ to produce an IRS-acceptable 1040.≡//2Σ1⌠N9010401*▀" X▌▌▀F1040▌▌▌▌▌▀πYNAME*▀Bß▌▀πSNAME*▌▀ß▀Bß▌▀πCITY*▌▌▀6Γ,Y▀?Γ,N▌▀6Γ,Y▀?Γ,N▌▀Γ,1▌▀Γ,2▌▀Γ,3▀@ß▌▌▀Γ,4▀(ß▌▀Γ,5▀7ß▌▀ß▌▀Nß▌▀ß▌▌▌▀ß▀%ß▀(ß▀4ß▀@ß▀Nß>▌▀ß ▀%ß!▀(ß"▀4ß#▀@ß$▌▀ß&▀%ß'▀(ß(▀4ß)▀@ß*▀Nß?▌▀ß,▀%ß-▀(ß.▀4ß/▀@ß0▌▀ß2▀%ß3▀(ß4▀4ß5▀@ß6▀Nß@▌▀ß8▀%ß9▀(ß:▀4ß;▀@ß<▌▀BßA▌▀NßB▌▌▀)ßP▀-ßQ▀EßR▌▀EßS▌▀5ßT▌▀EßU▌▀EßV▌▀EßW▌▀EßX▌▀EßY▌▀EßZ▌▀:ß[▀Eß\▌▀$ß]▀Eß^▌▀$ß_▀Eß`▌▀Eßc▌▀Eßd▌▀Eße▌▀$ßf▀@ßg▀Eßh▌▌▀πZ1*▀4≤m▀Eßm▌▀Eßn▌▀5ßr▌▀5ßs▌▀5ßt▌▀5ßv▌▀5ßy▌▀5ßz▌▀%ß|▀5ß{▌▀ß}▀5ß~▌▀Eß▌▀EßÇ≡Σ2⌠N9010402*▀" X▌▌▌▀πNAME*▀;ß▌▀EßÇ▌▀ßü▀#ßé▀)ßâ▀7ßä▌▀>ßà▌▀>ßå▌▀>ßç▌▌▀Eßï▌▌▀7ßè▌▀Eßî▌▀Eßì▌▀EßÄ▌▀ßô▀'ßö▀4ßò▌▀.ßæ▀EßÆ▌▀)ßÿ▀4ßÖ▀Eßù▌▀EßÜ▌▀-ߢ▀5ߣ▌▀-ߥ▀5ß₧▌▀5߃▌▀$ßí▀)ßú▀,ßó▀5ßá▌▀5ßñ▌▀EßÑ▌▀Eߪ▌▀4ߺ▀Eß¿▌▀Eß⌐▌▀)ß½▀4ß¼▀E߬▌▀Eß¡▌▀Eß«▌▀Eß»▌▌▌▀Eß░▌▌▀ß▓▀5ß▒▌▀5ß╕▌▀πNEI*▀"πEICHLD*▀5ß╗▌▀-πEIC*▀5ß╝▌▀5ß╜▌▀5ß╛▌▀5ß┐▌▌▀Eß└▌▀Eß┴▌▀Eß┬▌▀5ß├▌▌▀Eß─▌▀*ß╞▀5ß┼▌▌▌▌▀8ß▌▌▀8ß▌▀ß╦▌▀@Γ╚,Y▀Dß╨▌▀ß╔▀Bß╩▌▀ß╠▌▀πPREP*▀ß═▀8ß╬▀>ß╧≡